The problems addressed by operations support systems (OSS) technology and process are not in any way diminished by the incorporation or wholesale adoption of cloud computing and cloud communications. If anything, the rapid adoption of different cloud technology paradigms demands a renewed focus on OPERATIONS. When the smoke settles, and new cloud driven use cases have been explored and addressed by multiple vendors, both traditional communication service providers (CSPs) and those with new business models, switching costs will be minimum, and operating costs and service experience will be paramount to retaining users (customers). Operations process automation will take center stage in OSS strategy and will be the central 'make or break' component of a successful business model.
A recent article in CRN Magazine describing a new alliance focused on the communications side of the cloud underlines the importance of both new entrants and traditional CSPs to place operations automation at the core of their strategy.
The rate of decline of traditional telecommunication services continues to accelerate. CSPs are rapidly converting PSTN subscribers to VoIP, fixed mobile, and in some cases, mobile offerings. Take a look at the latest TM Forum research papers- the #s are staggering ( The focus of traditional CSPs is now largely on delivering creative bundled offerings that offer more value at increasingly lower prices. With the onset of cloud based communications platforms hitting the mainstream, cloud communications and cloud computing will intersect and further accelerate adoption of a broadening array of cloud paradigms.
While cost savings and redundancy are key, they are easy to address in the early evolution of cloud computing and cloud communications- but they become more challenging as more services move to the cloud the various platforms are required to inter operate. For example, consider a simple case where back office ERP systems are integrated to through cloud based integration components, and is enabled by a cloud based, integrated converged communications platform. Scale this to millions of "users" across tens of thousands of organizations.
A renewed focus on operations process automation is required to bring OSS capabilities in line with its importance in the continued evolution of the cloud.